Jan 2024: Yes, I agree the posts are relatively old. But wait for it. I'll be refactoring and adding more of my learnings in the next couple of months


Hi there!! Glad to see you look at the about section.

I am working as a Senior Engineer for Loblaws. (Loblaw is a leading Canadian retailer operating under multiple banners and products spanning across groceries, medicine, healthcare, finance, fashion etc.). I’m currently based out of Toronto, Canada. I started my software engineering career back in Jan 2017, and have worked for Microsoft and Walmart Labs before, back in India

I am passionate about computer science and in this blog I try to jot down some concepts which I find amazing or I didn’t find them on the internet.


Interested in my resume? Check it out here!!

Contact me

Interested in a side hustle? Reach out to me! arushngpl16@gmail.com